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#1 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2016-11-28
Re Zhirui Interaction International Culture Exchange Co.Ltd,

Do not fly to China without a Z visa in your passport given to you by the Chinese embassy in your home country.
You will be assured by your 'Culture Exchange Co.' that it is unnecessary.
They lie.

Kai - 2016-11-28
Zhirui Interaction International Culture Exchange Co.Ltd,

Hello in regards to Zhirui Interaction International Culture Exchange Co.Ltd,

I was hired and given a contract. I will post it here for anyone's persual and help. I dont have a degree and have been travelling most of my life. I do not mind the low pay, so much as interested in opportunity to experience new cultures. I will post it here and would like any advice on the matter. Thank you, last thing i want is to be stranded in China.

I will give you an email and send you a copy if anything wishes.



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