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#1 Parent Caring - 2016-12-14
Re: Re horses for courses

Thanx for the dates that make a lot of sense here. WW2 brought in a lot of reasons to arm ourselves to teeth.

#2 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2016-12-13
Re: Re horses for courses

Germany fell prior to the availability of the bomb.
As a matter of fact, Truman heard about the first successful test at Malta.
16 July 1945 was the first successful explosion in Alamogordo Air Base, New Mexico
8 May 1945 – VE (Victory in Europe) Day

why the atomic bombs on Japan rather than Germany.

#3 Parent caring - 2016-12-13
Re: Re horses for courses

Darn, you may have just answered my question on the WW2 weather factor thread why the atomic bombs on Japan rather than Germany. It does seem the yanks were selfish to look out for their own interests such as Hawaii and prospective subservient Japan under the White House boot. Amazingly, so many Americans were, and are for that matter, of a European descent, however quite a few in power thought, and believe now, they've risen above their ancestry.

What's tragic nowadays is the fights in middle east, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. that have been mostly driven by the American administrations but endorsed, financed and physically supported by the EU nations which somehow rely on business with the US and the MIC arm twister. Along Americans, all those EU soldiers that have their dimished roles on missions for companionships mostly are truly sent to die for dipomatic reasons to the troubled places.

Somehow it seems though that any yankee military pullout of Germany and some other Eurpoean states will trigger a conflict to regret. Germans, for instance, are quite independent in all areas; and, as soon as Angella Markel is out, the right wing politicians will propose those very changes.

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