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#1 Parent Fifi - 2016-12-16
Re: Re horses for courses

Ha ha ha... in a beer keg.... ha ha ha

#2 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2016-12-16
Re: Re horses for courses

Native language is acquired prior to the acquisition of values and the development of rational belief systems. I am not arguing that language doesn't influence mature thought, just that it is not 'a priori'.

If infants were kidnapped from Nanjing by the Japanese during their atrocities and then were raised in Japan speaking Japanese as their mother tongue, I suspect that they, as adults, would harbor no ill will towards Japan. Language is only one small part, if the major delivery mode, of culture.

In the U.S. we have many children from Vietnam and China (almost all female) that were adopted at birth by U.S. couples. They often have no ability to speak Chinese or Vietnamese. Later in life some have an 'identity odyssey' but they never truly acquire their culture of birth country.

pDog raised by Chinese parents who found him as an infant, drifting in a beer keg on the shores of Zhuhai, would no doubt be distrustful of Western culture and a big fan of Xi DaDa, though perhaps finally attracted to white women.

The use of languages is always tied to personal emotion, based upon one's personal experience
in life.
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