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#1 Parent heretosay - 2016-12-29
Re: Re Fired by Text Hangzhou Little Doctor Kindergarten

Well said, Caring.

#2 Parent caring - 2016-12-29
Re: Re Fired by Text Hangzhou Little Doctor Kindergarten

Your "perspective" of what a success is is damaged by your prejudice and gross generalizations. Your hatred for some places and people is obvious. What folks consider for accomplishments vary depending on their values. So much for your "tit" reply which I have not addressed anyway. Perhaps, SB and you are the two inseparable tits of the board.

Here is an answer from my perspective:

1. If a Westerner works in China because he can't find an adequate job back home, he is a
failure and is unsuccessful, regardless whether it depends on the person
him/herself (lack of education or problematic personality) or on the job situation (low
pay or jobless).

2. Success from a Western perspective in terms of money or career in a job is
impossible in China. The reasons are:

a. Peanut money (low pay) compared to Western standards, the money you earn in China will
make you a poor person outside China.

b. You cannot make a real career in China because the Chinese do not trust Westerners and
therefore will never tolerate such a person in real leadership position. Other points
are not qualifying for the same due to the language and the culture barrier.

3. Success in Western terms is the point of orientation; "success" in China
cannot be point of orientation because first there is none, and Western life is so much
better that even wealthy Chinese natives would want to leave and prefer to live abroad.

Most Westerners are living and working in China to escape some kind of misery in the West.
There are only a very few who come to China from the West based on their free choice and
who will be successful in terms of money and their further career once they return. The
latter are the exception; and as you may know, exceptions exist the confirm the rule.

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