Return to Index › Re: Re Fired by Text Hangzhou Little Doctor Kindergarten
#1 Parent Caring - 2016-12-29
Re: Re Fired by Text Hangzhou Little Doctor Kindergarten

Nothing's 100%, never say never and I don't claim but share experiences which you clearly lack so much.

What Turnoi wrote is 100 per cent correct. It would be difficult for anyone to refute the points he wrote.
"Correct" is your erection for your boobs, but not in accordance with facts are your silicone implants you sleep and read on.

A person, especially a younger person, would never work in China for years on end if they had other choices.
Wake up boob! Those aren't hookers but people's values we're debating.

So if you are really not at a TC as you claim then what are you really doing there? What's "in it" for you?
"Claims' may be argued, facts may not. Yet, your sixth boob sense keeps your nipples hard. Believe it or not, some gents (not genitals) are not so self-centered as you may be. "What's in it for me" may be beyond you and your little mojo which you flash so much on the board.

99.9% are the T@SB doctored tits that tramble whenever someone sees through them. :LOL

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