View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Da lián, kāifā qū, Dalian Development Zone, Jinzhou District,
Peter - 2017-01-10

Da lián kāifā qū, Dalian Development Zone, Jinzhou District,


It is a quite area with mild summers.
There are a few import shops, which sell western food.
Motorcycles and street vendors are banned, so there are less bad mannered farmers in the streets.
There are a few public universities that pay a higher salary due to the location.

Summers have less pollution than over parts of China.
There is a lot of seafood. The area has many Japanese and Korean restaurants.
There are small international communities due to the foreign factories in the area.


It is one hour from downtown Dalian. All buses and trains stop before 8pm. Moreover taxis are reluctant to drive between the two locations unless you pay extra.

It is an expensive area where many rich Chinese live. However the cost of living is similar to Dalian city centre.

The pollution is very bad during the winter due to central heating being activated.

The beach resort is 40 minutes away but is only open in the summer and is of very low quality. Also the sea has no waves and there are no water sports or activities.

The area is a small suburban area with many elderly people and few young people. It is a difficult area to make friends or find a single woman under 45.
The people in this part of China are not very attractive.

Local private schools are small independent business, which have extremely high turn over of staff rates. And have a reputation for not paying teachers correctly or at all.

The economy is very bad at the moment and many businesses are closing and local moving to other areas.

It is the area where two petroleum pipelines exploded in 2010. Also there is a power plant very close to the town centre.

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Da lián, kāifā qū, Dalian Development Zone, Jinzhou District, -- Peter -- 2017-01-10
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