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#1 Parent Hamroc - 2017-03-02
Re Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School - TYCIS

Lawyers must be able to spell. The principal John E[edited] sends volleys of emails which are riddled with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors (which is sad when you consider we as foreign teachers have a responsibility to set an example in terms of our English language usage). ‘Fag raising’ has been John’s classic faux pas but there has been many ‘sue’ (use), Phyic (Physics) and emxsa (exams). This must be terribly confusing for the Chinese students who have enough problems with learning English. Surely this issue has not gone unnoticed by the Chinese management...

Hamroc - 2017-03-01
Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School - TYCIS

All successful schools and those who work in and are educated in them rate trust as being a vital element. At Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School principal John E[edited] will tell you he was a practising lawyer before he got into education but the truth is he was a minor clerk in a law firm. If you value professionalism and you don’t mind the principal discussing your private life, your salary and how he rates your teaching with other members of staff over dinner, then come to TYCIS because this is the reality. There is absolutely no confidentiality!

There is currently a case where a teacher, who moved to TYCIS with her husband and young family in September, is under fire from whole classes of students and their parents who are criticizing her teaching which has led to a storm of activity on qq. The principal and the HOD Science have offered her precious little support and her career is on the line. Other members of staff have been asked to observe her teaching thus putting her under extreme pressure and her situation is the talk of the staffroom – John has virtually left her to the wolves which is an absolute indictment of him as a leader and also of the school’s administration. Meanwhile the website shows the school has a ‘Safeguarding Recruitment Statement’ where TYCIS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment’…

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