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mark Dullea - 2017-03-05

As a recent non-returnee to the Sino-Canadian International money making programme at Guangxi University, I would like to offer my own experience working for these guys, and why I decided to opt out at the end of the 1st semester.

First of all this place has a huge annual turnover of staff, although the 'white christian element' seem to remain for a number of years. Nothing against christians- but you do have to wonder 'why'?!

Another interesting fact is that in the whole 15 years of its existence only white caucasian faces have ever been hired. Several people, well qualified and experienced have been turned down as potential employees, due to the colour of their skin, it would seem.....this isn't mere speculation-I know of a mixed race couple who applied to work there together. Both had similar credentials and experience. The dark individual received a response with the most ludicrous justification as to why they couldn't be hired, while the white female was welcomed with open arms.

Accommodation is pretty much 'hit and miss' with the few long-termers, [and I'm talking here about those who sign for a 2nd year] living in decent apartments-while the 'newbies' are typically housed in old slum conditions with broken furniture and mold infested bathrooms.

Workload - again, it's notable that the 'newbies' are typically given academic writing classes upon arrival, which means hours of grading over the course of a semester. 80+ students, one essay per week to grade... + tests and exams-the disparity between the workloads of teachers at this College is ridiculous!

Overall, the only thing that I can say on a positive note is that they pay on time, between 6-8 thou per month. But again-given that most new arrivals for next year will be lumbered with the 1st year academic writing classes, it's a lot of work for very little, when you consider most government Uni positions will have the teachers focusing exclusively on developing the students oral capabilities. :(

Messages In This Thread
SCIC - Guangxi University -- mark Dullea -- 2017-03-05
Re SCIC - Guangxi University -- Jake -- 2018-05-07
Re SCIC - Guangxi University -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-06
Re SCIC - Guangxi University -- mark Dullea -- 2017-03-06
Re SCIC - Guangxi University -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-07
Re SCIC - Guangxi University -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-07
Re SCIC - Guangxi University -- FTinPRC -- 2017-03-07
Re SCIC - Guangxi University -- FTinPRC -- 2017-03-05
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