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Joshua Harwood - 2017-05-09

Yes, some, but they're mostly book titles by that point. Students at E1 and are just handed a story book or novella, are told to read it, and then do some quizzes. If you look at the Elan Student Assessments folder, which is in the zip file I already left a Dropbox link to, it tells you exactly what books students are assigned.

Parents with sufficient English skill could walk their children through the same thing at home by just quizzing their comprehension after each chapter. If they understood about 80% of it, then they can move on to the next chapter or the next book in their series (or literally any other paced series). If not, they could have them re-read, clarify things, or the like. In fact, it would be better than going to Elan.

Elan doesn't even do that! If the kids fail, they just move on. They basically set them up to fail, and then blame the students as their shitty curriculum digs them deeper and deeper into incomprehension. It's literally the laziest con I've ever seen in my history of language instruction, and this is coming from a man who laughed in the face of TutorABC's hiring manager when I got a glimpse of their materials, who refused to do a second interview with Wall Street English because a fourth-grader could crap out better PPT presentations and offer more competent curricular advice, and who refused to consider work Andrew Shewbart at Alo7 doing corpus data analysis because he was basically a dimwit who I literally heard taking bong hits while he "interviewed me" (or rather, desperately sought free consultation because he had no good ideas of his own).

East Asia (at least Taiwan, China, and South Korea, definitely) is basically a land where being an absolute fraud will get you rich.

Messages In This Thread
Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Deniz -- 2016-09-25
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- IHateElan -- 2017-05-16
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Ex BGY employee -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Joshua Harwood -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Thinking about it -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Joshua Harwood -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Pesttwo -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Joshua Harwood -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- BBoy -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- UNCARING -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- UNCARING -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Fifi -- 2018-03-29
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Joshua Harwood -- 2017-04-12
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Judy -- 2017-05-06
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Joshua Harwood -- 2017-05-09
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Joshua Harwood -- 2017-05-06
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- FTinPRC -- 2017-04-12
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Joshua Harwood -- 2017-05-06
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Kingkong is coming -- 2016-09-27
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Previous teacher -- 2016-10-17
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Sliu618 -- 2016-09-27
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Tom -- 2016-10-22
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- Former FT in China -- 2016-10-22
Re Elan School in Beijing, does anyone know about it -- gopublic -- 2016-09-26
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