Return to Index › Saint Paul American School,Clark Pampanga,Philippines
#1 Parent Ana - 2018-03-29
Re Saint Paul American School,Clark Pampanga,Philippines

He is not fit to his job! Fucking liar go back where u from!!!

#2 Parent All - 2018-03-29
Re Saint Paul American School,Clark Pampanga,Philippines

Be careful to him!!! He have so many secret!

#3 Parent spaz - 2018-03-29
Re Saint Paul American School,Clark Pampanga,Philippines

My question is: Why would they appoint a wino, man baby, genocide denier as a vice principal of a REAL school ?

Didn't a korean teacher from spaz off himself in his hotel room a few years back?

They did a nice cover up job on that one and claimed 'he used to teach at that crappy place'.


Genocide Boy - 2018-03-29
Saint Paul American School,Clark Pampanga,Philippines

In my experience here, this is a truly awful school to work in and there is a much greater chance of things worsening than improving. Teachers here bully each other, and the administration is just as bad.

James Luko the vice principal for the secondary school is the worst. He swore in my face last year, and I was only trying to help him understand google docs, because I foolishly volunteered to help the school with the accreditation process.

I found the front office staff to be useless. I came at the middle of the year last year and I had all kinds of trouble getting my health insurance/ working visa, and that lead to a conflict with the super aggressive James Luko. Being abused by Luko really shocked me, and I came back and recorded him swearing at me on my phone, but the school owner and administration did not do anything about it.

If you are thinking about coming to Saint Paul American School I can only warn you. Don't do it!

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