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Choatle - 2008-02-24

I wonder if Frank realizes in his froth mouthed hysteria that, no matter what identity or name he usues, he also keeps using the word "hooligan". Did it ever occur to him you think that this gives away the fact that it is just him, pretending to be someone else, (and doing a bad job I might add) when he makes these posts?

Frank, I have some advice, instead of making up countless fake emails which likely are not even real, because it would take all day to create all these new emails, that instead you find real humans who will endorse you. Of course since that is an impossibility, you being hated universally, I suppose you will just continue to try and fool all us suckers into believing your BS.

Hey Frank, say Hooligan again for me, or the word zoo, both of which seem to have become popular among your numerous fake identities here. LOL, frank has been dealing with and cheating foreigners for so long, he thinks were all idiots. David Lee, now exposed as yet another Frank Zhang alias. Guy must have a book of English names at his bedside, even I would be hard pressed to come up with all these new aliases, lol. Keep up the good work fFrank, you know we love you.

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