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Choatle - 2008-03-06

If Frank was an Angel, why would others dislike him?

First off, your English is really Chinglish, so your clearly Chinese. I don't know why these fools keep coming here thinking they are fooling anyone. They must realize no one is being tricked into believing English is their first language. This alone speaks to how few foreign friends good old Frankie boy really has. If he was so popular with native speakers, why doe's he have to find Chinese to pretend to be Native speakers?

Of course that is of no consequence to Frank, who seeks to distract and beguile you with all these reports about his greatness here in China. Notice every post about him is completely self serving and one sided. I suppose he figures if he throws out enough bullshit all us detractors of his will drown in it, and be unable to do anything about it. Sorry Frank old boy, I have special boots for slogging through shit.

Everyone here knows the old saying from Shakespeare "I think thou doth protest too much." Doe's anyone on here really believe that Frank Zhang would be protesting so much if he was some honest, good natured recruiter? That's really an oxymoron anyway, since recruiter and good natured are not synonymous at all. Oh boy Frank, some new English words for you to look up, you must be excited. Your English certainly could use some work, that's for sure, as could the range of your vocabulary.

Keep on protesting Frank, everyone knows people who are guilty protest the most, but feebs like you just don't get it. You entertain us with your utter lack of social grace or tact, and your countless impersonations of westeners. You make me laugh with glee to see your nonsense posts, and bring joy to my day, for laughing "at" you makes me so happy. Oh yes, we are all laughing at you Frank, but I guess it's something your used to, being a good whipping boy and all, so keep up the good work. This forum needs a good court jester, and it seems to me like you've nominated yourself for the job. Keep the laughs coming old boy <:l <:l <:l

Messages In This Thread
Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- ARVG -- 2008-02-26
I met Frank Zhang today, I want to say thanks to him, He is a very helpful man -- Bryan Williams -- 2008-03-12
Re: I met Frank Zhang today, I want to say thanks to him, He is a very helpful man -- Jerome -- 2008-03-13
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- pete -- 2008-03-02
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Jerome -- 2008-03-02
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Choatle -- 2008-03-03
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Sherlock Holmes -- 2008-03-05
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Batman -- 2008-03-04
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Edward -- 2008-02-27
I support Mr. Frank Zhang -- Andy Jose Terry -- 2008-02-26
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- JNET -- 2008-02-26
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Choatle -- 2008-02-26
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Edward -- 2008-02-27
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Sherlock Holmes -- 2008-03-01
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Jerome -- 2008-03-01
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Raoul Duke -- 2008-03-01
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- English teacher -- 2008-03-05
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Raoul Duke -- 2008-03-07
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Choatle -- 2008-03-06
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- English teacher -- 2008-03-08
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Choatle -- 2008-03-08
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- English teacher -- 2008-03-09
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Choatle -- 2008-03-10
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Raoul Duke -- 2008-03-02
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Mike and Jane -- 2008-03-05
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Raoul Duke -- 2008-03-07
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- English teacher -- 2008-03-08
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Raoul Duke -- 2008-03-08
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Choatle -- 2008-03-08
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Choatle -- 2008-03-06
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- English teacher -- 2008-03-07
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Sherlock Holmes -- 2008-03-05
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Choatle -- 2008-03-06
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- English teacher -- 2008-03-07
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Sherlock Holmes -- 2008-03-02
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Edward -- 2008-03-01
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- joker -- 2008-03-01
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum" -- Gingermeggs -- 2008-02-27
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