beverley Cameron - 2008-03-16

Dear Chotle
please allow me to correct your "non existant" mistakes.
1. their is the possessive as in 'their clothing,books or money' and should not be used in place of
2. there which denotes as you can find in t "here " place. please forgive my attempts at correcting your english but as an english teacher and a native speaker bad grammar and lazy mistakes are like pokes in the eye with a stick to those of us who do know our laguage.

Messages In This Thread
beijing -- beverley Cameron -- 2008-03-16
Re: beijing -- My title is not important. -- 2008-04-02
Re: beijing -- Choatle -- 2008-03-18
Re: beijing -- joyous -- 2008-04-10
Re: beijing -- Jerome -- 2008-03-18
Re: beijing -- Choatle -- 2008-03-19

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