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Dave - 2008-03-21

There are so many messages about Mr Frank Zhang that I had not even bothered to read them all, and his name keeps cropping up with considerable frequency. Suffice it to say that I had decided long ago not to bother dealing with Frank Zhang.

Shock and horror, when after a number of e-mail exchanges about a new job with someone calling himself 'Xu Hui' - This person telephoned me today and told me of a job offer he had secured with an employer in Hubei Province. I was sent a draft contract but I also noticed on the e-mail that the name "Frank Zhang" is mentioned as the originator of the message and another name "KrisCooper" is also mentioned.

The contract he sent is a typical document of its kind and he also sent another document identifying the employer, and their address, telephone numbers and contact person. This document also sets out a lot of factual information about the establishment concerned. He states that should I find the terms acceptable, he will put me in direct touch with the employer though he does ask that I do not contact them until such time as I have indicated agreement. (This is not unusual with agencies)

Quite apart from whether the terms are acceptable or not, I see nothing suspicious in these two documents nor in the manner that Mr Xu Hui has so far handled my requirements.

Does anyone have any comment to make about the foregoing? Let me ask here for sensible and reasoned comments rather than hysterical rantings. It is evident that Mr Zhang has upset many people, yet he remains in business as a recruiter and he can only do that if he satisfies more people than he upsets. If anyone thinks I should not entertain this offer, please specifically state your reasons why.



Messages In This Thread
Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- Edward -- 2008-03-16
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- My title is not important. -- 2008-04-02
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- Dave -- 2008-03-21
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- Gingermeggs -- 2008-03-21
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- Dave -- 2008-03-22
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- Choatle -- 2008-03-22
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- English teacher -- 2008-03-18
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- Choatle -- 2008-03-20
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- Choatle -- 2008-03-17
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- English teacher -- 2008-03-18
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- Raoul Duke -- 2008-03-23
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- Edward -- 2008-03-19
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East -- Choatle -- 2008-03-18
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