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Jae Yang - 2008-04-07

Regarding San Jie Foreign Language School

Ruth Hannagan, if you can prove that a Ruth Hannagan worked at our school, I will pay you 500 USD. I have this posted on the internet. It is a valid legally binding promise.

This Ruth Hannagan never worked at our school. We had a Miriam Fischer who worked at our school. The reason for a psuedo name is that we had tried to work an amicable solution with her missions board. My boss told me not to black list her and forgive her. I am still contemplating it. My boss asked to drop this mess, but seems that someone hasn't dropped it. As for slander? I really didn't want to give all the dirty laundry out in the open, but let me give the whole story and you decide - tell me what you would have done.

Ms. Miriam Fischer had a roommate. She was unusually close to her - They prefer each other's company - let just say they look like a couple. They have traveled, lived, and worked together for numerous years. Her roommate asked my boss for extra time to work and missions with the bar girls that were learning English at our school. My boss gave her time to do that, we later found out she was just going home and not meeting with them. She was contracted to work 20 hours weekly. Her hours were cut to about 12. I asked if she could work some more hours. She said she was to busy because she was helping with our orphans. I called the orphange to re-arrange times. They said she hadn't showed up for the last 6 months. The part about them not getting paid was due to this. They were supposed to come back after the Spring Festival holiday, they extended their vacation another week without notice. They called in sick, when confronted they said they had 14 allowable days of sick leave a year. Obviously, they were on salary. Also Miriams roommate was calling in sick continously on Fridays and Mondays. My boss had multiple cancelations because the teacher kept dropping classes. Due to these cancelations, the school didn't have the money to pay them. When I confronted Miriam's roommate, Miriam responded with a threat of getting her teachers to quit. They were all her friends that she had hired. She gave them sweetheart deals. Since, her roommate didn't want to work her contracted hours, they both gave me a letter of resignation, due to irreconcilable differences as they put it. This was 45 days before the end of their contract. Since, she gave me a letter of resignation, I was no longer obliged to house them or pay for their airfare or traveling expenses. As a courtesy, I contacted their missions board and told them they would have 30 days to move out of our apartment. Honestly, I felt like kicking them out on their asses for making good on their threat to walk out. We asked for our Work visa back because we need to give it back to the PSB, she refused and then their was this big fight about getting our documentation back. Finally, she turned in our Work permit to the HK consulate after she used it to get her new visa.

One of her sweetheart deal hires, had gone back to America, but after talking with Miriam, he also submitted a letter of resignation. He told us he was being nice to us because he knew we couldn't possibly afford to give him what Miriam had contracted him for. The deal was that good. I thought that was nice of him. I told him as a courtesy, he could stay on our Z visa for the year if he paid for it at cost. He was a new hire and only worked at our school for a month. He said no. he said that we should pay for it and allow him to work on it. Then I gave him my next offer. Told him you had 60 days to get a new visa, and the previous offer was no longer valid since it was rejected. He got angry with me and said, didn't like the way I did business. He said, he would file a complaint with the board of ministry if we didn't give it to him. I told him to go ahead and he did. He forgot he gave us his letter of resignation and technically he was indebted to us for breaking contract. We just let him go after he got off our visa. We paid him for 1/2 month salary for working a few hours.

Take a look at comments with a grain of salt. I know there are some horror stories out there, and some very true, but there are some teachers who probably couldn't get a job anywhere else. Truly unqualified individuals.

If you want a good view of the schools status, ask for e-mails of the teachers or talk to current teachers that they have.

As both Administrator and Teacher, the problems occur both ways. I had 3 teachers I let go due to unsatisfactory performance. 2 of the teachers finished their obligations with no problems and just didn't want to get involved in this mess. Sorry had to get rid of bunch of bad apples. When I first came to that school had 6 teachers there, 4 of them left with the previous manager 1 left after I got some more teachers and another left at the end of her contract. I have hired numerous teachers after that with much better results.

As for the previous manager, her version of teaching English was to read her romance novels while the kids watched a movie. Once in a while for a conversation class ok, but regular basis - says something different. I have let go of 2 other 2 teachers. One for showing up drunk with alcohol on his breath and slurred speech- he taught conversation - I gave him 30 days and multiple warnings before I let him go. I basically made sure he had another job before I cut him, the other for ditching class without notice. Is it too much to ask you tell us you can't do class in advance not 1 hour before class. This teacher came to class had a date later that night showed up for the first 3 but said she was to sick to teach the other one LOL

I think I take care of my teachers, I am laid back and treat them the way I want to be treated. I am also a teacher. I became a teacher administrator so I have seen it from both sides.

I didn't think it was fair for our school to get this kind of treatment. I have over 12 missionary teachers who you can refer to as reference. We trained them as teachers and taught them Chinese that have come through since Ms. Miriam Fischer has managed our school. Any school seeing this person watch out!!!! She poses herself as a Christian - She thought our local church was theologically wrong so she decided to hold her own services for her people. She has one of those power egos and is vengeful type. I wanted to black list her from China but my boss said to forgive her and let her go.

I am more than happy to give a list of my current e-mail addresses of my 10 current teachers that I have right now.

As for posing as a Christian group, you can talk to the orphange that we sponsor or the numerous teachers that we have trained as ESL teachers and given Chinese classes to if we are living up to our standards. I am an equal opportunity employer. I hire Christians, Non-Christians, Women, and various non native ethnicities. To be honest, the only teacher that screwed our school was a wolf in sheeps clothing. Her management nearly bankrupted the school. Basically, she told my boss, if you don't do it the way I want you to do it, I will close your school. Obviously, this soured relations with the Missionary Board that sent her, although I can't blame them. Her previous missions board let her go, not sure if the one she worked at kept her- I heard the let her go too.

My e-mail, if you want my current teachers opinions.

Address to Jae Yang: Current Academics Coordinator, Grammar Teacher, MLA Writing Teacher, Phonics, Lexis, Conversation, and TOEFL/SAT Teacher.

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