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(Anonymous) - 2008-04-15

Dan Symes is a pirate. He received a considerable federal grant (in excess of $250,000) to make a business of exploiting people in China. He doesn't pay his employees very well. The hours they work aren't concurrent, unless they're one of his second or third right-hand men. You can expect to work mornings and nights, and he'll probably put a class on your schedule somewhere in between just to make sure you can't do anything on your own time. You will have one day off a week. You can use this time to plan out your classes. You will likely teach 8 to 10 different groups/grades, and so you will need to prepare 8 to 10 lessons per week.

He is a parasite. He receives money for each foreigner/sucker that he manages to reel in, and he doesn't care about treating you well, because if you quit, it just means he can hire new people and gain the aforementioned bonus that comes along with his doing so.

If you're desperate for a job, it's an easy job to get. If you take the time and do the research though, you'll find a job with better pay, better hours, and a lot less bullshit.

Drew seemed like a nice enough guy. I'm not really sure why he put himself in with this lot of scoundrels.

The more you know.

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