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Dave - 2008-04-22

Looking at the postings about Frank Zhang that have appeared in this forum alone, since January 1st 2008, the following figures come to light.

Total number of postings regarding Frank Zhang (and Alain Buer) whether for or against Frank Zhang - is 297

Total postings against Frank Zhang = 179 or 60.3% of the total.
Total postings for Frank Zhang = 118 0r 39.7% of the total.

Looks as if the anti-Frank Zhang brigade have the advantage does it not? But when I look just a little more closely. I see that the anti Frank Zhangs in the main are in small numbers (as indeed are those who speak for him) but there is a big gap between those and the few Anti Frank Zhangs who have posted 18 times or more. Taking the latter contributors as a bunch they number only five yes FIVE. Out of 179!

These five people between them have made 141 of the 179 Anti Frank Zhang postings. Not one of them has had enough direct experience of dealing with Frank Zhang (if any!) to warrant such a massively disproportionate amount of invective. They have nevertheless kept up a steady barrage of crap for the past four months based on nothing but what other people have said. If they are taken out of the equation altogether on the basis of their lack of direct experience, the remaining anti Frank contenders is reduced to a mere 38. These are far outnumbered by the 118 pro-Frank Zhang contributors who, in the main, have each made postings in similar quantities to the 38 anti-Frank Zhangs they outnumber.

Empty vessels, gentlemen. Empty vessels. Just five of you living in your own nasty-minded, negative world. Sh*t stirring troublemakers every one of you. Grow up and get yourselves lives to live like the rest of us.


Messages In This Thread
Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Dave -- 2008-04-22
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Choatle -- 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures/Open mouth - insert foot. -- Casual Observer -- 2008-05-02
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures/Open mouth - insert foot. -- Nspeaker -- 2008-05-02
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Batman -- 2008-04-27
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- John -- 2008-04-24
"Chinglish" and All That -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2008-04-23
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