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Dave - 2008-04-23

MY personal sentiments do not count at all? Really?

If MY sentiments do not count, then why should yours count either? Are you seriously saying that yours is the only voice to be heard here? This is a forum! It is not your personal podium from which only you and those who think like you may speak out. Where is your evidence against Frank Zhang? You have none at all - only what others have said. Nothing more than hearsay

At least my argument (for it is nothing to do with sentiment), is based on facts. ONLY Five of you are doing nearly all the complaining and none of you have anything to personally complain about. You, Mr Turnoi, have single-handedly made 32 of the postings in question - amounting to 18% of the total 'antis' and not one of your postings has any connection with you.

Don't insult my intelligence by piously claiming to be some champion of foreign teachers, engaged on a 'mission'. (ROFL!). That is assuredly not so. You're a loudmouth, simple as that. All you're doing is banging a drum for your own entertainment. It is the only way you can make yourself heard in life. The thought of you teaching young people in China fills me with distaste, for no matter what your approach to them may be, at least some of your vindictive nature is bound to rub off on them.

I'm honest though. I'm not doing this for Frank Zhang. I'm doing it for me, because I detest the sort of unfair and unprofessional behaviour that you and the others in your small band seem to take as your right to trumpet to the rest of us. You would be giving a better service to foreign teachers by not acting like a verbal thug and remembering that you're supposed to be a professional person.

Even if I do NOT take you empty vessels out of the frame for your irrelevancy and lack of direct experience, there are also far more PEOPLE posting in favour of Frank Zhang than there are posting against him. A ratio, in fact, of 2:1 in his favour. That is a fact that you cannot dispute for the numbers are there for you to count too, like I did. So even your contention that there is a huge groundswell of complaint against Frank Zhang is itself incorrect. The groundswell, as such, is very much in his favour. Why can't you take the time and trouble to do some simple research instead of going off at the mouth?

Sorry, but you five empty vessels are out on a limb all on your own.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Dave -- 2008-04-23
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- KGB -- 2008-04-23
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Raoul Duke -- 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- The Owl -- 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Gingermeggs. -- 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- KGB -- 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Gingermeggs. -- 2008-04-26
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- AMonk -- 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- AMonk -- 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Raoul Duke -- 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Batman -- 2008-04-27
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Raoul Duke -- 2008-04-28
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- AMonk -- 2008-04-28
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Spy vs. Spy -- 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Raoul Duke -- 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- KGB -- 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Raoul Duke -- 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- viz-a-viz -- 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- callmefred -- 2008-04-23
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