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Raiti - 2008-04-30

Otherwise known as Kwangshin Language Center, in Kwangju (Gwangju), Jeollanam-do, Korea. If you want to teach a boring and repetitive curriculum where the less-than-stellar students drive you up the wall all day long with their inability to concentrate and learn, then this is the place for you. This is not a surprise since this school admittedly caters to the lower-end students who are so problematic that in their parents' view, sending the kids to this place is better than sending them to no hagwon at all. The so-called "program" itself teaches the kids very little, and the rest of the time in a given class is made up by playing the same boring, repetitive games ad nauseum up to eight times a day. If you do this for even a week you will think you are in hell, if hell is indeed repitition. On the other hand, if you are a very low-IQ person whose brain is already mush, then this may be the place for you, as you will feel right at home. Avoid this place at all costs if you value your sanity and pride, because your time in Korea should not be spent teaching the dregs of society, and this place is tailored for just such students...and the sadder fact is that the parents are fully aware of this. They have also lied to at least two of their teachers, telling them that they would not be teaching kids, but when the teachers got there of course it was a different story. Do not be fooled by the "University" nomenclature. This place is 100% kids, from little tots to early middle school, with very few older kids. When university classes are on a teacher may get two university classes to manage, but the vast majority of the teacher's time is dealing with little kids who have study and behavioral problems. Avoid this place!

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