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whocares - 2008-05-02

You sir are proving yourself to be more of an ass than even I, after nearly five years in China and seeing the worst of the worse so called teachers here, have come across yet. Moreover, who gave you permission to use the inclusive "we?" Speak for yourself and try to do so with a little dignity. No, better yet, go back to your car wash job in America where you belong.

On the other hand, should you decide to stay here, even though your kind is definitely not wanted or needed, perhaps you'd like to share the depth and insight you bring to the design of your "creative lessons." Or better yet, how about letting the perusers of this forum know where those schools are that are included in the 15 percent of schools that you have concluded are not crap. Can't do that? Gee, what a surprise.

You wrote: "Chinese English teachers who complain about FT"s really annoy me. Just do your job, and we will do ours. How we teach is none of your dammn business."

Well, guess what Silvertot? Wannabe English teachers such as yourself who complain about Chinese English teachers who rightfully complain about Foreign Teachers, among whom are a great many pretenders, drunks, and just plain slime balls who couldn't teach there way out of a paper bag, really annoy me. Just whose country do you think this is shenjingbing laowai? Never mind, don't bother to answer that, just get yourself on the next available flight back to Mommy and Daddy because your obvious insensitivity to this culture will no doubt get you shipped out soon enough anyway - might as well get a head start and get that application for McDonalds before someone beats you to it.

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Re: Eagle Language School in Changchun -- whocares -- 2008-05-02
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