View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › frank zhang,supernatural being, useful teacher agent for most people
professional MBA teacher - 2008-05-12

Zhang very important for foreign-Chinese friendship is.
He good man for uniting Chinese and foreign FT mafia.
He big asset to China and EFL industry in China.
He every day change names, write fake reports in this forum.
He only good person is, all other bad people are, those terrible hoodlums, long nose and foreign devils (yang guizi).
Zhang my best man in Chinese mafia of Shanghai.
Howgh, I have spoken!

Messages In This Thread
frank zhang,supernatural being, useful teacher agent for most people -- professional MBA teacher -- 2008-05-12
Re: frank zhang,supernatural being, useful teacher agent for most people -- An English teacher -- 2008-05-14
Re: frank zhang,supernatural being, useful teacher agent for most people -- Allen Zhang -- 2008-05-14
Re: frank zhang,supernatural being, useful teacher agent for most people -- Eddy Robbins -- 2008-05-13
Re: frank zhang,supernatural being, useful teacher agent for most people -- Michael -- 2008-05-12
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › frank zhang,supernatural being, useful teacher agent for most people

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