View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › chongqing united foreign inst. ,chongqing
steve nankervis - 2008-05-15

Hello, Iam writing this email to inform others to stay away from this private training school? I contacted them from shanghai by email. I said that I was interested in teaching at a college. the recruiter said they could do that but then said they work with middle-high schools a lot. I paid my fare{all the $$ I had nearly} chongqing is 1700 klm. from sh.
They put me in a hotel, I had the flu and wasnt well at all! Then the next day they took me to their office with another foreign teacher. They then wanted us to give a demo class!! With the flu I wasnt up to it but did it in front of two of the recruiters. It went okay. Then they went over the contract? They wouldnt pay my airfare from o/seas to china only SH. to chong. I argued this but to no avail. They would give me 1000 at the end of the contract though? okay I said. Then they said I should pay for the health insur. and medical? I argued against this too, but they would pay for the visa so I said yes. I should have walked at this point. I think back on it now but I had little money and no place to live. I wasnt in a good position? Then we spent another nite in a hotel which they paid . Then back to the contract the next day? I had to initial every damn page of the contract. They said we had to do english corner also with no pay. The other teacher was very upset at this.
I didnt care much. I knew at this point that I didnt want to sign a long time with this crappy school. I said I would sign for only one term,4 months in this case. They were so desperate they said yes.

They sent us to different schools in some small cities you never heard of away from the big city. In my case it was yongchuan. A dirty,dusty backwater, with nothing to do in your free time.where no one speaks english. I ended up working in a middle-high school 14 hrs. and a college 6 hrs. a week.i started there feb 20th. Its now may 15th.and I still dont have a refridgeator in the apt. After complaining I got a dvd player though.Its very noisy here too. Also they assign an tc or ta to live with you. I donT want one and dont need one but its in the contract! the pays are on the 15th or 20th of ever month. so you have to wait 2-3 weeks to get your pay! They take 1500 rmb for a apt. deposit.! out of yor pay.
also the medical and health insurance.

Messages In This Thread
chongqing united foreign inst. ,chongqing -- steve nankervis -- 2008-05-15
Re: chongqing united foreign inst. ,chongqing -- Lowrider -- 2008-05-29
Re: chongqing united foreign inst. ,chongqing -- catch7 -- 2008-05-27
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