View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing, Alin Buuer, Bryan Wang and Xu Hui
Michel - 2008-05-20

I was contacted by a person calling himself Xu Hui about a teaching position at the Nanchang Institute of Technology and he claimed that I could arrive on an L or F visa and change it to a Z visa. When I contacted the school they told me that I must arrive on a Z visa, and that Xu Hui was providing wrong information. The school then refused to provide me with a blank medical form and insisted that I had to find one - not their problem! I didn't like the lack of cooperation attitude and I told them to forget it.

Later on Xu Hui sent me an emailed berating me for being uncooperative in refusing to jump through hoops looking for a blank medical form, so i told him to never contact me again.

Some weeks later I was contacted by Sang Xing and I realized it was the same person as Xu Hui who had changed his name and email address.

Messages In This Thread
Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing, Alin Buuer, Bryan Wang, etc., etc., etc... -- Edward -- 2008-05-19
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing, Alin Buuer, Bryan Wang and Xu Hui -- Michel -- 2008-05-20
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing, Alin Buuer, Bryan Wang, etc., etc., etc... -- Alexander G -- 2008-05-20
My good friend, Frank Zhang -- Daivd Warrets -- 2008-05-20
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