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Eric - 2008-05-21

There is a school I use to work for it is Called Zibo Global Language School.It is in Shangdong Province.Where do you want me to start?
They promise you all these things and do not live up to there end of the contract.We will get you a better apartment.A friend of mine that still works there had to threaten them that he was leaving to get his refrigerator fixed and washing machine.One of the other teachers there had to threaten to leave if they did not give her the money they owed her.

They do not pay there bills on time.When I was working there I lost power twice due to them not paying there bills.One of the teachers there can not even get his water fixed it leaks like Niagra Falls.
There is only a couple people I talk to at this school anymore since I left this nightmear.Most of the chinese teachers say one thing and mean something else.90 Percent of the chinese teachers there speak english very poorly.This school says that all the foreign teachers are bad.
So if you want a headache go and work for this school.

ZIBO GLOBAL LANGUAGE SCHOOL IS A TERRIABLE PLACE TO WORK SO STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Messages In This Thread
Alice from Zibo Global Language School -- Eric -- 2008-05-21
Re: Alice from Zibo Global Language School -- whocares -- 2008-05-21
Re: Alice from Zibo Global Language School -- to whocares -- 2008-05-22
Re: Alice from Zibo Global Language School -- who cares -- 2008-06-04
Re: Alice from Zibo Global Language School -- Turnpi -- 2008-06-06
Re: Alice from Zibo Global Language School -- whocares -- 2008-06-06
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Alice from Zibo Global Language School

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