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Snuffy - 2008-06-05

I'm quite late on this, but I have to say:

The hours of teaching are just that; teaching continuously as if you're inside some factory and you're some mechanized robot subjected to the whims of management and students. Take the plastic lesson plans, teach the plastic lesson plans; teach class at 7; then the next one at 8; and the next at 9. Your throat's sore, and if you have to answer one more stupid ass question of "do you like China?" You're going postal. You come in during the morning, but you teach only one or two classes, but you have to hang around--you might have to do English Corner and/or a extra activity. Yeah, sure you get days off and they're sorely needed, by the time, you've decompressed; it's time again to return.

Foreign Teachers deal with it; good money, but burn out comes quickly, almost welcomed, and come hell and highwater, you can't wait to leave after 4 mouths of drudgery.

Without a doubt,, Web is the most boring teaching venue I have ever dealt with. It's good for the short haul of 4 to 6 months max, but gets old real quick--you don't have time to wipe your ass.

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