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Rebekah - 2008-06-07

I worked at Windsor, in Banfield (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) for a term and can't really recommend that anyone else do the same, for several reasons.

1. Quite disorganized. It's a small place, really just you (the native teacher), the director, and a few other part-time Argentinian teachers. I was told it was run "like a family" when I accepted the job. This in practice means the director makes a decision one day, changes to something different the next, and then forgets about it all by the following week. Very frustrating after a few months -- you're asked for course plans that are never looked at, asked to talk up projects that never happen, etc.

2. Very low pay compared to other schools. I was paid 13/hour at a time when the going rate in the capital was around 20/hour. (I didn't know any better when I accepted the job -- do more research!) If you want to live in the capital, you cannot live on what you earn at Windsor.

3. Lack of resources. You're required to use computers and video at least twice a month, but frequently the computers and televisions don't work. The copier broke a few months in and was never repaired. That sort of thing.

Any benefits? Well, it's small, so class sizes are small, usually three to five students. But you can get the same at much better-run places.

A further thought: the 2006 native teacher finished the year not on speaking terms with the director; the 2007 native teacher (me) finished the year wishing she weren't on speaking terms with the director; that same year the secretary quit, frustrated as well. You might want to consider looking for a more professional, pleasanter place that really respects its teachers. There are lots in Buenos Aires.

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