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L in Guiyang - 2008-06-25

Sounds like you had quite the bad go.

I just wish it hadn't soured you on Guiyang. I never met any of the FTs from your school (I don't go out much, more of a homebody) so I can't agree or disagree with your experience. It sounds like par for the course though, but it's not like it's hard to see where it comes from... Chinese Teachers (CTs) have to go through 4 years of tests and all the nasty bureaucracy that comes with the Chinese education system. Then they sign contracts for 5-10 years with their schools, AFTER havng paid bribes just to get interviews (and before you scream "foul" about bribes, think of it this way, 4 million people graduate, 1 million jobs... it's dog eat dog)and here comes a guy (regardless of education) who can walk in and get a great salary, benefits (apartment/airfare/cleaning staff) and walk away whenever they want... it's Envy mate (or "Hong(red) Yan(eye) Bing (Sickness), and I'm NOT excusing it, just saying don't make it sound like they are degenerates.... (expect for the underwear thing, that is twisted)

I came here from Canada quite some time ago and did 2 and a half years in north China, before coming to Guiyang. Yeah, Guiyang is poor. Yeah, there are issues with literacy and what us Expats may call "civility", but they aren't monsters!

I've stayed here for almost 4 years now, I married a local girl, and most of my friends are Chinese from Guiyang or the surrounding cities and villages. I find MOST guiynag people to be friendly (if sometimes rudely curious)and genuinely interested in learning more about the outside world (and English for that matter).

So please, your experience sounds awful and I have nothing but sympathy for you and your wife, But don't condem an entire city because of your experience.

Take care!

(and before the puncuation/spelling/grammar police come down on me, I confess , I'm a bit lax in my self-correction!)

Messages In This Thread
Guiyang NO.6 high school / Guiyang Liuzhong - ESL school review -- angry teacher -- 2007-06-14
Re: Guiyang NO.6 high school / Guiyang Liuzhong - ESL school review -- L in Guiyang -- 2008-06-25
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Re: Guiyang NO.6 high school / Guiyang Liuzhong - ESL school review -- Yvette -- 2007-10-29
Re: Guiyang NO.6 high school / Guiyang Liuzhong - ESL school review -- anon -- 2007-07-24
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Re: Welcome to China! -- Larrrie White -- 2007-06-14
Re: Welcome to China! - ESL school review -- Pollo Loco -- 2007-06-18
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