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Choatle - 2008-07-18

"Had not the guts to write her surname" Nice English pal.

I do love how a school, when they feel they have been attacked, or defamed as this person says, will counter in a way that is far worse than you merely giving an account of your experience at said school.

The persons son was arrested? So what, how doe's that reflect poorly on her? She is a bad mother, is that what your intimating? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

You said she did not post her surname for fear of being prosecuted, however you conveniently forget to say what exactly she would be prosecuted for. Don't you just love how schools use the innocent until proven guily tactic, making negative intimations, and knowing that will be just enough to make you look like a bad person, and guilty of something. No need to go as far as to say what the teacher actually did, that could be refuted. No, just be vague, ambiguous, and that will work much better. Please, we've all seen this song and dance before.

I'll say it again, schools, if you want to be taken seriously, and have people believe your words in regards to a bad teacher who you think has spoken wrongly of you, than you must give details, just as the teacher did. You must post the what, be specific about the teacher, what they did, exactly how they acted. You can't just say "They were rude" you must say how. We won't just take your word for it, we need specifics to judge for ourselves. True, there are two sides to every story, but at least teachers usually give accounts of things when posting here, words that can be challenged, discounted, and judged by others. All your doing is casting vague aspersions to try and make someone look bad, your not actually telling us what that person did to make themselves a bad teacher.

Schools, don't even bother posting here if all your going to do is give vague accounts with no details at all, it is unfair to the person your talking about, and completely untrustworthy.

Messages In This Thread
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Susan -- 2007-09-05
Re: Club di Lingua Inglese/Dr. Gennaro Marino - ESL school review -- Gennaro Marino -- 2008-07-17
Re: Club di Lingua Inglese/Dr. Gennaro Marino - ESL school review -- ! -- 2010-05-11
Re: Club di Lingua Inglese/Dr. Gennaro Marino - ESL school review -- .... -- 2008-07-26
Re: Club di Lingua Inglese/Dr. Gennaro Marino - ESL school review -- Choatle -- 2008-07-18
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