View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › What do MANDY ROBERTS, "Ice cream" LYNN, & SUNNY EDUCATION have in common?
Wild Bill Hickock - 2008-08-03

They all suck. I first came upon a Sunny Education email back in the good 'ol days when I worked in Wuxi. I was in the process of finishing up a contract with my school at the time and decided that it was in my best interests to at least begin looking for a good replacement job. So it was in this light that I responded to a Sunny Education email - a mistake which was mine. I don't wish to ramble at great length about the futility in dealing with Mandy Roberts and co., just share with you the basic makeup of a famously bad recruiting company located in China.

Firstly, I've not met 'Ice cream' Lynn and I have no idea whereas that name originated. It's catchy so people use it I suppose, as have I. From what I heard and read about Lynn, she is/was a typically obtuse C-recruiter. Note that I used an optional 'was' before Lynn's name. I'm not entirely sure if she is partnered up with Mandy anymore, but I've noted a 'Robin' is. Perhaps this is an alias. It was rumored that a stormy incident occured which may have prompted the exit of at least another recruiter who was working with Mandy recently. Mandy...I have met and she's a character. She has a heavy accent, a 60-year old American craddle-robbin' hubby, and NO manners to speak of, even for an undereducated C-woman.

Essentially, it was Mandy who placed me in a terrible international school located in Taizhou where the director, who was a real peach, made sure life was to be as exceedingly difficult as possible. Ultimately, the school completely backed out of it's responsibility to pay up the airfare I was promised, promises made by Mandy herself. When the opportunity arose, I took it upon myself to tell the lot of them to go fack themselves and left for greener pastures in Beijing.

Recruiting outfits like Sunny Ed use many, many phone numbers for would-be victims (new teachers) or accusers (experienced teachers) to contact them with. Depending on their mood at the office, you may or may not get a chance to express your thoughts with the two of them. Here are some which I had saved to cell and will promptly delete after posting them here in digital asylum:

So remember to add/keep this woman and the company she works for in your email and PC's 'ESL recruiter blacklist' folder. It's too bad they didn't name themselves 'Acme Education' or something so they would appear at the top after using WinXP's 'sort by name' feature.

Messages In This Thread
What do MANDY ROBERTS, "Ice cream" LYNN, & SUNNY EDUCATION have in common? -- Wild Bill Hickock -- 2008-08-03
What are u talking about it, i dont know any international schools in Taizhou -- Mandy -- 2008-10-01
When and where did we meet? -- Mandy -- 2008-10-01
Re: When and where did we meet? -- pandaeyes -- 2009-01-12
Re: When and where did we meet? -- Not surprised anymore -- 2009-01-13
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