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Choatle - 2008-08-08

I'm not going to get into details too deeply, because it would take just too long.

To keep things short, they are scumbags. They do treat you ok to your face, but that's about it. Their actions behind your back are entirely different. They also have zero loyalty to their teachers, and they have no clue what they are doing, what a shock.

It was many years ago that I worked there, but it sounds like little has changed. Since then, because of my prior posts, I have had many people send me emails about these folks, so I've been kept appraised of what is happening there.

They are based out of Yuncheng, and they are not a school at all. They have one office, in a grimy little back alley, and it has all of three rooms, one being the entryway, with two adjacent rooms on either side.

The only thing school like is a white board in the entryway room, which they use to make recent arrivals give short demo classes. Otherwise, they have zero classes, do zero teaching, them calling it a school is just a front. What they really are is a recruiter.

They also won't get you a Z visa in most cases, and from what I understand they opened a second office a while back, someplace close to Yuncheng, I don't remember where. This outfit, or shell company, only gets F visas, and in fact will only hire teachers on an F visa. I have no idea why, but they are also operated by Yuncheng IELTS.

The reason they call themselves Yuncheng IELTS is so they can sound more legite and serious to ignorant newbies to China. They have absolutely nothing to do with any IELTS teaching or testing of any kind.

They find teachers for unlicensed schools, and receive a piece of your pie for doing nothing. The school your working at provides housing, and covers everything, however Yuncheng IELTS will charge you for bills. They also keep any holiday pay for summer and winter that you get. It's a good scam as scams go.

I was recruited by a girl named Kelly, likely the same person you spoke to, simple name change. Anyhow, she works out of Beijing. Well, these folks were very nice, more or less, my whole time there. That's just it, they are expert schmoozers, and Paul in particular is so good at placating people its uncanny. They picked the perfect guy to run their foreign teachers. Paul is a canadian who claims to have been a teacher back in Canada, who owns his own house there. Both unlikely claims, as he works for and makes less than 10 K yuan a year.

In my time working for them most of the appliances in my apartment stopped working, and they replaced none of them. The Teaching assistants they use are all young girls, who will undermine you in every way possible. The staff of Yuncheng IELTS really doesn't take FT's seriously.

Basically it's not so great a place to work. If something breaks it won't get fixed. If you have problems at school they won't get addressed. Your TA's are all children who have never taught but they all think they know more about teaching.

Basically your completely totally alone when working for them. It's not a fun gig, that's for sure. Without going into too much detail I ran out of patience very quickly with these people. They would have you work overtime but not pay you extra. If your new to China expect zero help from them. The TA's are lazy, and don't provide any help outside the classroom, even though it's part of their job.

Miss liu is a worse outfit to be sure, and certainly Yuncheng IELTS is not the worst out there. however, their bad enough though that they should be avoided. In fact, avoid all recruiters. This type is the worst, leeches who latch onto you and suck money from you every month.

The place is so bad that the foreign affairs bureua in Yuncheng has tried to shut them down on numerous occassions, only to have the mayor of Yuncheng threaten to shut them down. It's quite funny really, the obvious corruption that goes on. Yuncheng is a small city though, and not so well developed. Corruption is worse in such places I suppose. FT's have already sued YUncheng IELTS for a laundry list of things, the place is really quite a disaster. However, as long as the "school" which it isn't, has the local governement in their pocket, there is little that can be done.

The outfit is run by 3 guys. One is just called the "Doctor" an old fellow in his 60's, though they will never tell you what he is a doctor of. Then there is Mr. River, an interesting choice for an English name. Lastly there is Paul, the Vice Headmaster in charge of foreign teachers.

Working for them are quite a large number of overpaid TA's, who make 1,200 or more yuan a month, and are given free housing. I say over paid because they do very little, and are more a burden then a boon.

That's really the short of it, though it seems like a lot. I don't feel like going into too much detail and reliving it all again. Sufficient to say the place is a bonafide nightmare, and best avoided.

They no longer use their name anymore in ad's, but they recruit for many of the schools in Yuncheng, and there are not many. If you see an ad for Yuncheng, the chances are better than good it's them.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian -- Choatle -- 2008-08-08
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian -- Alex -- 2008-08-19
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