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callmefred - 2008-08-30
In response to Re: Eagle Language School in Changchun (Choatle)

Quote: "I can assure you, were the majority here put to the test, grammatically speaking, at least half would pass, far more then you seem to believe. I think you should keep your criticisms and tooting your own horn to yourself."

I do not agree at all with your assertions Choatle that Jaques is tooting his own horn, and why is he not entitled to express an opinion on an obvious fact that the most basic rules of English grammar, spelling, syntax and sentence structure are broken time and time again in this forum by persons claiming to be teachers of English ? (yourself and the other members of your little band of happy backslappers being among the worst offenders) and as to passing a test !!...... judging by their previous efforts, I can think of several names who would feature in the lower half of the scores.

I know that you are not interested in setting an example for others to follow, but I note that you are quick to condemn another who does take pride in accuracy. Do you have the right to tell others to keep criticisms to themselves, whilst patently you do not ?

Messages In This Thread
Eagle Language School in Changchun -- Kelsey -- 2008-04-26
Re: Eagle Language School in Changchun -- Jacques -- 2008-08-30
Re: Eagle Language School in Changchun -- Choatle -- 2008-08-30
Re: Eagle Language School in Changchun -- callmefred -- 2008-08-30
Re: Eagle Language School in Changchun -- Choatle -- 2008-04-26
Re: Eagle Language School in Changchun -- Tom Phillips -- 2008-04-28
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