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David - 2008-09-03

I would like to give a warning about a new school in Haikou that I
worked at for around 10 weeks. The Giraffe English Language School has
its' parent organisation in Taiwan and is trying to penetrate the
market on the Chinese mainland.

I asked to be released from my contract after it became obvious I
could not work with the person designated to be my supervisor. There
was a severe personality clash and this person had obviously no
teaching experience from the impossible demands placed on me. The
directors of the school agreed to release me from my contract and paid
me one month's salary. I was asked to return to collect my outstanding
pay the following month.

When I returned to collect an estimated 3,000 RMB, I was told
that they had received legal advice to impose a fine on me of
US$500.00. I then proceeded to discuss this issue with the directors
and could not negotiate any compromises with them so I went to the
Bureau of Foreign Experts, to seek advice and arbitration, last week.
After one week of receiving no advice from the F.E.B., I went to see
them again this afternoon for an update.

I was told to make a written report on the incident and outline all
the relevant details. Shortly afterwards, I received a phone call from
my current employer and was warned off from taking any further action.
I was accused of having threatened the F.E.B. and would be in serious
trouble if I proceeded with this matter. It was even possible to be
told to leave China! Threatened the F.E.B. ??? I'm dumbfounded!!

I suspect that the school has bribed an official(s) in the F.E.B. for this
situation to have occurred. Giraffe has no licence to operate as a school
or to employ Foreign English Teachers I have since discovered.

I would like to share this experience with as many new and current
teachers as possible, in a discrete manner. Can you help me with this

Messages In This Thread
Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- David -- 2008-09-03
Re Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- Former Teacher in Haimen, Jiangsu -- 2015-11-22
Re: Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- thomas -- 2009-12-21
Re: Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- mark -- 2010-02-24
Re: Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- mark -- 2010-08-17
Re: Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- mark -- 2010-08-24
Re: Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- Mark Bowman -- 2011-11-15
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