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Problems of Mongolian Ponies - 2008-09-05

Mongolian ponies are a kind of horses that can whisper. Linguistically, their language is not related to Mongolian, Chinese, or

Thus, sometimes acquiring a good working knowledge of English even sometimes for a Mongolian Pony is difficult, if not an impossible task to achieve. First, it should be "an esl teaching job" and not "a....job".
Grammar poses problems sometimes, but it should only do so for students and not for "teachers". Is the Mongolian poney now a student or a "teacher"? Have a guess yourself/yourselves.....

Next, "due diligence is required when looking for a esl teaching job in the PRC" is a kind of "advice" that nobody needs when either looking as a newbie for an esl job in China. Secondly, it is not very helpful in dealing with problems of dishonest, crap training centres and/or irresponsible, evil recruiters like Frank Zhang. Third, an "advice" is like this is superfluous and trivial - for, in any job you do - whether as a foreign language teacher or in another job- "due dilligence" would be required. It is as evident and common that nobody needs really mention it here.

Perhaps, the Mongolian Pony was a bit irritated and confused after eating too much of hay that had been mingled with Scotch or Brandy before. The context in which the Mongolian Pony was whispering to communicate its "wisdom" of absolute nonsense suggests that "due dilligence is required" when crap training centres fail to pay you on time, are cheating with appropriate accomodation or do not provide the assistance required by a foreign teachers to obtain appropriate visas and residence permits.

In summary, "due dilligence" in reflecting more profoundly is required before such statements on " a esl teaching job" are made.

If not, the urgent advice would be given that Mongilian Ponies keep to eating their hay and enjoy life with their husbands and wives but refrain from making any remarks on topics that they obviously know nothing about.


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Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review -- Problems of Mongolian Ponies -- 2008-09-05
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