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Karen Cubay - 2008-09-16

The liar is "Turnoi", I am not Frank Zhang but Frank Zhang's passenger.I am an english teacher here in Nanjing. Frank Zhang got me the nice job in the end of Aug.
I visited Frank Zhang in person in Shanghai on 20th of July when I had already finished my contract in Ningbo campus of Zhejiang University of Technology. I asked him for a job in Nanjing in the coming semester. and He did get a job for me when I visited him at the same date.

Don't lie here, small guy, dirty "Turnoi", Nobody will trust you, the stupid liar. Do you really want to be laughed at by experienced expats? Of course, I can guess some fresh or young people can be lied to by you becuase they don't know the truth.

If some fresh people want to know the truth,Please contact me or contact my University. I am working for the Nanjing University of Aviation and Aeronautics right now. Everybody can contact with University of Aviation and Aeronautics direclty and then can realize "Turnoi" is a big evil liar who is jealous of Frank's business. I use my full reall name, but "Turnoi" has used many fake names. Everybody can find me Karen Cubay if they can visit Nanjing University of Aviation and Aeronautics. I am teaching on the Lukao campus of the University that is close to Nanjing International Airport.

Messages In This Thread
"Turnoi", the shameless liar. Small BIESAN, WANG BADAN. -- Karen Cubay -- 2008-09-16
Re: "Turnoi", the shameless liar. Small BIESAN, WANG BADAN. -- Trixie Byelonetskaya -- 2008-10-12
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