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P - 2008-10-17

Sounds like Jeff had a rough time with Steven, but having met neither, I`m not really in a position to comment on what happened between them. Anyway, Steven is indeed no longer here & I just wanted to say that I`ve been teaching here for 2 years now & I rate the school pretty highly. Pay & working conditions are good, everyone gets along well, & the students all seem happy to be here; none of the disgruntled-looking victims of a `hard-sell` you sometimes encounter at English schools!
Of course you still get the odd grumble from teachers about this & that, but nothing different to any other school I`ve been at. I`ve found the manager & DOS very open & responsive to suggestions. Anyway, if you`re thinking of applying to work here, I would definitely recommend it. If you`re still unsure, don`t take my word for it; e-mail or call the school & ask to speak to a current teacher. Good luck & happy teaching wherever you are or will be!

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Re: My experiences with The Bohme English Academy - ESL school review -- P -- 2008-10-17
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