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afriend - 2008-11-07

Please beware of Diamint International in Wuxi.

They seem to have no clue on how to follow a contract.
I was employed for 5 months and in that time, they broke the contract twice.
1) Visa 2) Payroll payment date.
I was warned that they had a bad habit of paying late, so they changed my payment date to avoid this problem.
Of course i had warned them that if they did pay me even 1 hour late, that this would be a final breach of contract.
Also late payroll. They have a convoluted scheme for repayment of taxi fees and such.

They still owe me for travel reinbursement and october payroll, which they will not pay.
They tell me that i have caused them economic hardship by leaving suddenly.

If they had followed the contract, then there would be no such hardship.

You are warned. Be careful when dealing with this school.


Messages In This Thread
Diamint International in Wuxi -- afriend -- 2008-11-07
Re: Diamint International in Wuxi -- Pip -- 2008-11-08
Re: Diamint International in Wuxi -- Not surprised anymore -- 2008-12-25
Re: Diamint International in Wuxi -- Pip -- 2008-11-09
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