View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review
Jay - 2008-11-08

Hi all....a newbie here, and to China also.I don't usually comment on sites like these as i feel it mostly gives a one sided view of a place or person, granted the offending institute or employer can counteract this by placing their own comments to protect themselves, but i found in my experiences across Asia that such posted anger is of their own doing ( the foreign teacher ).

However, i have just arrived in Dalian and i am shocked to hear from so many people, Chinese people too, about this school, New Century. Some of the things i have been told beggar belief, and i have taken them with a pinch of salt, with a relatively small community of foreigners in this city, compared with lets say Shanghai and Beijing word of mouth about bad experiences would surely hurt a school in a city as small as this and with so many foreign Language training centers, competition is high.

Before i came here i did a lot of research on many employers, when Dalian + English schools was entered on various search engines, 9 times out of 10 New Century would be at the top, with not a good thing to be said about the place.I have however read some of their recruitment ads, and they leave a lot to be desired in respect of their own English ability, and many obvious mistakes...such as they have 3000 students...i have since found out they only have 2 branches and no where near 1000 students at both here in is the problem.

They opened in 1999, first bad comment about them is dated June 2000, with many that year. Ok, so maybe they had some teething problems like most new ventures? But beating teachers would not be part of it right? More bad remarks followed year after year...some pathetic and probably as a direct result of poor quality foreign teachers...but some are quite serious, and shocking..even up to current date. you all know most of the comments are on this site....but what amazes me is that if they know about their bad behaviour being sprawled all over the net.....and are struggling to recruit ( so i was told ) then isn't it obvious that continual bad and derrogatory comments about them for almost a decade would not entice sane people to work there? Or are they so uncaring and blinded by corruption that they simply dont care about their source of income...foreign teachers? Well, let them continue down this path, its unfortunate for foreign teachers that work there, but they will only add to the growing list of disgruntled employees and that way they will be forced to close and not be a burden to anybody again right? The company i work for has problems...i often go home scratching my head and wandering why i am here, but its mostly down to cross cultural differences and communication ...lack of, and judging by their misleading recruitment ads the latter is the number 1 problem.

sticks and stones and all that might not hurt them, but the power of the Internet surely will.

Messages In This Thread
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review -- Jay -- 2008-11-08
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review -- sad american -- 2009-01-13
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