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Not surprised anymore - 2008-12-23

Ideally I would agree with you Turnoi. People who have a degree in Music should not be teaching English, ideally. However, this is hardly an ideal world, or business.

The truth is, the ESL industry in Chinas, whether it be public, or private, is all about money. That being the case, there is a huge demand for teachers. HOwever, when you pay crap, and the real teachers can stay at home and do better, usually, why would any degreed teachers come here? The answer, they would not.

The truth of the matter is, though people complain about people without a degree coming to work here, they are kind of necessary it seems. Without such people, (and I believe they still outnumber those with degrees), there would be so few people to fill the jobs that most schools would go out of business, or, in the case of public schools, lack the foreign staff to man the programs they have. Basically the industry would likely collapse.

Now, if the Chinese ever catch on to the fact that they would make even more money by actually hiring and trsuting real teachers to do the job the right way, well, then they will start to pay better, and attract more "real" degreed teachers. Instead we still get a lot of anti-social misfits who drink too much and think way to highly of themselves.

That's the reality I'm afraid. Until the entire educational system here changes for the better, and the Chinese business man stops looking for merely short term profit, I'm afraid things will remain status quo here.

Not much you can do really, but accept it, and continue to talk until maybe, someone listens, and then someone else after that.

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Re: Uni professor teaching in kindergarten schools - what a joke! -- Not surprised anymore -- 2008-12-23
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