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James Yandell(Jim) - 2009-01-03

To prospective teachers in Korea,

I would like to warn anyone thinking about accepting a job with this school. The reasons for the warning are listed below for your review/consideration:

1. Started work with a tourist visa and was sent to the Philippines twice before I was able to get a teaching visa. I was nearly kicked out of the country by Korean Immigration for this situation.

2. The director/owner did not sign me up initially(6 months) for health care until I protested. Then she signed me up for travel health care instead of the Korean health care. This was to save herself money but against the law in Korea.

3. The director/owner did not pay any taxes that were owed to the Korean government and paid me in cash so as to have no traceability.

4. The director/owner did not pay the required Korean social security which was a hardship when I had to pay my US taxes. I had to pay both sides of US social security.

5. The director/owner attempted to not pay me overtime and my salary when the school had a cash flow problem one month bringing in a Philippina teacher on a student visa so she could teach at our school.

6. The director/owner did not fully pay my return trip back to the USA as called out by contract and I had to spend extra money to make the ticket valid.

7. The director/owner charged me vacation but didn't inform me of this action until I tried to take time off.

If you have any questions concerning this school and the director/owner, feel free to email me at:

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