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andywilliams - 2009-01-12

Jon....i had dealings with them last year, i was going to join them but got early warning signs when their emails were very contradicting...they gave me 2 email addresses of foreign teachers that were employed there, one from Australia and the other from USA. I contacted both and only received a reply from the Australian fella, whilst his comments on the school were hardly awe inspiring he did confirm that many of the stories posted here were true, the American by the way did not respond because the email given was a fake and set up by New Century...a guy called Michael. I eventually arrived in Dalian to work and met up socially with both of the forementioned teachers, and the guy from USA was shocked that the school had tried to set him up as recruitment bait. But he could only tell me this of the supposed pedophile.

It was during a test that one of the questions from the book was this "touch this how does it feel?" so i dont need to go into to much detail as to what the poor student had to touch....the kid told the parents, they got the police....and because the owner of New Century is so feared, and being an ex lawyer it was brushed under the carpet. Some weeks later, he was caught again by one of his colleagues at a Primary school in the city...that teacher who i have also met,explained that during his conversations with the suspected man, he would always dissappear during the 10 minute breaks between the toilets....could have a weak bladder....but after he was caught by him, the weak bladder theory was rendered mute. And if this was not enough.....he was caught again in the act of displaying his privates to students by the schools caretaker/repair man....and nothing happened. The reason nothing happened is beacause if they had fired him, they would have been in further difficulties with their recruitment of teachers....loss of money being more the problem i guess. As i have said before and will say again.....DO NOT GO NEAR THIS SCHOOL.

And although i have never met you Jon, i am wandering if you are the Jon i have heard horror stories about? If you are, then you will know the following initials of people from your country JB,AM,RM....they told me about new Century....if you needed anyproof.

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