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Nico - 2009-02-01
In response to LCI Kid's Club Suji - ESL school review (Patrick kennedy)

I am writing this in response to the posting stated above as I don't feel that it fairly represents LCI in Suji. I worked at LCI Suji for over 2 years and I did not come into the same problems that were stated above.

1. The contract hours are by monthly session at LCI. The monthly session is 19 or 20 days and the extra days that are left over are how LCI gets your holidays in the summer and winter. You may work an extra day or 2 in September (or whichever month) and that is why you will have 2 days off in December for vacation. The vacations are not so much time off while the school is still open, rather time that they allocate in between 2 sessions while the school closes for vacation.

2. I never had less than 5 days of holiday twice a year while I was working at LCI. In fact it was adjusted to 6 once (the 6th day still unpaid)

3. It's true that you aren't paid for national holidays. LCI (apparently as a franchise) has skirted around this by claiming that the teachers are hourly workers. This was still a bone of contention when I left.

4. I can't say weather age group concerns were ignored. I never had any age group stipulations upon being hired.

5. Saying that you need 24 hours for a sick day is ridiculous. I was sick several times while I was there and I would just call in to work and take the day (or couple days if needed) off. You are expected to work if you can even if you are a bit sick, but if you don't feel well enough to work, they won't force you to. Perhaps it has 24 hours for a sick day in your contract or something, but that is not a reality of working at the school.

6. Overtime is mandatory. Payment for overtime was never difficult to figure out.

7. Class observation is quite regular in the beginning. Once you gain the trust of the supervisors that you are capable, then you are mostly left alone. There are camera's and microphones in the classrooms, but that doesn't mean that they are always watching you.

8. The monthly bills are generally paid without issue. When the above poster was working at LCI, the person who was handling the bills was new and made mistakes. These things happen. By the time I left, issues were not common anymore. Anytime that you had a problem with how your bills were being handled, the person who took care of the bills was very willing to figure it out and usually apologized profusely if he made a mistake. I never, once, had an issue with my bills that wasn't sorted out quickly and honestly.

9. The requirement to pay the last teacher's bills was an old problem. It has been fixed now. What the previous poster failed to mention is that in the old days of paying the last teacher's bills, you would also have your last month of bills paid by the next teacher after you. Regardless, this issue has been resolved at the school and is no longer an issue.

10. There is a lot of extra work to be done. The new head supervisor has done a better job of trying to decrease needless workload, but workload is still a lot at LCI in Suji. The volume of work listed above is generally not as much as was listed, but there is still a lot to do. There is prep-time that is paid for(Generally 1-2 hours per week) but you are going to have to do work outside of that prep-time and you won't be paid for the extra work that you do.

I can't comment on the contract stipulations that the above poster had or how they were dealt with. I never once in my years there had a problem with getting the school to honour my contract. Yes, I had my disagreements with management, but they always ended up honouring what was in my contract.

Present teachers get a bonus for recruiting, yes. This bonus however is only if you have a friend who you introduce to the school and that friend is hired by the school. If you ask questions to a person via an e-mail address that you get from the school, that person isn't getting a dime for their opinion of the school. I gave out advice to people looking in LCI Suji several times and I didn't get any money. To suggest that the teachers are being paid for those kinds of things is ludicrous.

This school is not all roses. I am not sure that any school that you go to will be. I just wanted to make a more fair/balanced opinion of the school because I don't think the previous one was fair.

Messages In This Thread
LCI Kid's Club Suji - ESL school review -- Patrick kennedy -- 2007-10-19
Re: LCI Kid's Club Suji - ESL school review -- Nico -- 2009-02-01
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