View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review
confuseddalian - 2009-03-21

As a teacher in Dalian exposed to all kinds of terryfying school stories, none have sickened me or shocked me more than New Century. I have been here about a year now, and i have met ex teachers from there and other expats not even connected to education and they have only confirmed the stories told on here.However they are still in business, largely due to their "we don't care where your from as long as you speak english" attitude, and no offence meant here but they have a Mexican, Swede, Korean, and an African teachers there and i have spoke with them and i can't really make out what they are saying....i know that english is widely spoken in all of the above countries, but not with a clear accent such as America, Canada or the UK for example.They were told to lie to their students about their nationalities just to protect New Centuries interests...what a joke! Further more, they have a few male Chinese teachers ( if you can call them that ) that frequent bars here to "network" with potential victims as part of their evil recruitment schemes, all i saw was drunken, pathetic behaviour and fountains of lies spewed out. New Century as a school is awful, from the outside it looks totally unprofessional, and their second branch is on the 6th floor of a run down hotel...and you are punished for absolutely no reason at all...including being late for a lesson even though the school transport took you there!! I have students who have left that school and come to ours, simply on the fact that the foreign teacher was lazy, or didnt show up, or that the Chinese teacher spent more time on his/her cell phone than teaching....i have met with one teacher, great guy, and he spent 16 months at that school...just his experience alone is frightening....just stay away from there.

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