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gaidysozys - 2009-04-07
In response to English in Action, Slovakia (Nickole Laird)

I have received the following correspondence from English in Action. Any request for an address or phone number is rebuffed. Several email address are offered in their various recruiting postings. The name David Schofield does not reveal much on search engines. The name Ms. Gedrova, also reveals nothing. The request to give a land line phone number comes across as a bit strange. The direction are more than vague..."we are located in Kosice, eastern Slovakia, a few tram stops from the centre of the town."

Any comments or insight is appreciated.

Dear XXXX,

Thank you very much for your interest in working with our program. We are in need of teachers who can begin immediately, as demand for the program has caught us by somewhat of a surprise. This is a position for people who are really interested in seeing a country, improving as teachers, and having a fresh experience every week, as much as it is about earning a huge salary. We pay well and offer good conditions, but still, this is Slovakia compared to most of Europe the living costs are low and the salary reflects this.

That said we provide free accommodation during the working week (Sunday night to Friday morning) and subsidised accommodation during the weekend, as well as pay for point to point travel to each new working location. We also offer short, medium and long term contracts, from upwards of three months. During your time with us you will meet many new people, learn some new things, and have a good, memorable experience. All of our teachers in this program are native speakers of English.

The teaching is generally, six lessons a day, from about 7:45-13:30, with breaks, and normally cheap but quality lunches are available at the schools we cooperate with. These can normally be purchased for as little as two euros a day, which is pretty good for anywhere, for a hot lunch, with soup and main meal.

The starting salary is five euros per class, so normally 150 euros per week. This is after all necessary deductions, so is the money you will be living on. Once you have taught 120 lessons (a months work) your performance is reviewed an increases are possible. Given that your accommodation is covered, and the travel to and from places too, we believe this is a very good salary for the country. There are no paid vacations as this is a position salaried by the hour. The work is guaranteed for all teachers we hire.

We can not pay for travel to Slovakia, but normally affordable flights can be bought from Sky Europe, Ryan Air and Easy jet and so on..

So I hope to hear from you again very soon,

Best wishes

David Schofield
English in Action

Hello David,

I find your reply quite intriging and would like to see if we could arrange a telephone conversation at your convience. The date or time is immaterial since I am not working at the moment and can freely adjust to your schedule. Also note that I am in Europe. I check this address daily, so if you are in agreement please send a phone contact, date and time.

Thanks for contacting me and I look forward to your positive response.

Best wishes

Hello XXXX,

Sure we can arrange a phone conversation. Our office manager, Ms. Gedrova usually handles them as she is a non native, it is sometimes better. Whereabouts are you in Europe right now, and do you have access to a land line number? She could call you tomorrow afternoon between 12 and 14:00.

Best wishes


Hello David,

Being Easter I did not see your response until just now, 13:15 Monday April 6. I will be happy to speak with you or Ms. Gedrova today. However I do not have access to a land line. I would like to suggest sending me your phone number or better still, I will be happy to come to your location since I will be in Slovakia next week to visit friends...anytime around the 15th of April is good. If all works well, I can start right away.


Hello XXXX,

Ok, the better still option is the next Wednesday, we are located in Kosice, eastern Slovakia, a few tram stops from the centre of the town, if you could come for sometime in the morning, between 9:00 and 11:00 it would be best.

Looking forward to meeting you,

Best wishes


Messages In This Thread
English in Action, Slovakia -- Nickole Laird -- 2009-03-26
Re English in Action, Slovakia -- Sam Bennetts -- 2011-06-24
Re English in Action, Slovakia -- unhappy -- 2011-07-06
Re English in Action, Slovakia -- Geri Solomon -- 2016-03-12
Re: English in Action, Slovakia -- Gen -- 2009-11-02
Re: English in Action, Slovakia -- Derek -- 2009-05-07
Re: English in Action, Slovakia -- gaidysozys -- 2009-04-07
Re: English in Action, Slovakia -- Benjamin Taylor -- 2009-06-15
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