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Hayden - 2009-04-22

I've been reading the posts about the school and to be honest Im not really sure what the trouble could all be about. When I worked there a couple of years ago I really enjoyed it. The chinese staff went out of there way to help us and were always really friendly. I would often socialise with the other chinese and foreign. They never asked me to work too much and always paid on time and the full amount. My only complaint was that we only got 3 days work a week(we were still paid for a full week, its just that after a while it got a little boring having 4 days off). I liked the lesson because we were teaching out of a set curriculum with a chinese teacher in the room to a class of under 15people, the classes pretty much ran themselves.

When I was there I don't remember any of the teachers having any grievances with the school or staff. So I really can't fathom what the problem was that started all of these negative posts.

if I may respond directly to a post by theo 21-apr, I have provided some specific reasons why I liked the school. The only concrete information I could possibly give you would be video evidence of classes or testimonies from the 100 or so teachers who have taught there in recent years. Neither of which I can do because despite your cynical assumptions I am actually in australia not in a new century office with the boss looking over my shoulder. That is not to say that your demands for accurate information were unfair, many people look at these posts as a great way to judge whether they want to work in a school, including myself. So while you are sceptical towards puff posts, I am also sceptical to the value of a string of highly emotional posts in helping people make an informed decision.

Messages In This Thread
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Hayden -- 2009-04-22
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- bob -- 2009-10-16
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- baggyboy -- 2009-05-07
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Theo -- 2009-04-23
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- DalianTeacher -- 2009-04-25
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Theo -- 2009-04-25
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Dexter -- 2009-04-25
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- DalianTeacher82 -- 2009-04-26
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Turino -- 2009-04-27
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Theo -- 2009-04-26
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Turino -- 2009-04-26
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Fumigator -- 2009-04-27
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Theo -- 2009-04-26
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Turino -- 2009-04-23
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