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Turino - 2009-04-23

Filthy apartments, ridiculous amount of teaching hours, bullying TA's, all this and more is what you can expect from them.

I can bear a filthy apartment,even with mice present,but rats,no thank you!
As for a ridiculous amount of teaching hours,I reckon that is one of the most selfish and capitalistic aspects of Western culture that greedy Chinese school owners in conjunction with greedy louwai are trying to introduce here in China.Just to put things into perspective,let me say that in my eyes 27 teaching periods a week is way too EXCESSIVE.That's because I've been used to between 14 and 22 teaching periods a week here since '94. But unlike many FT's here,I have the option of returning to the UK to teach maths at a secondary school.But I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole.In my opinion the renumeration on offer back home far from justifies the hours worked in front of the pupils and marking homework after class.
But there is now a breed of louwai here that doesn't mind working long hours as a foreign teacher.OK,everyone is different,let them do so.But I won't as I believe China doesn't need that kind of exploitation as exists in the West.
Finally,I've had experience of bullying TA's.No problem at all!Their English is so poor,their knowledge of teaching so limited,and their manners so bad,that it's easy as pie to put them in their place.All they are good at is befriending gullible Chinese pupils and backstabbing their FT colleagues by reporting or misreporting to their Chinese bosses perceived,or purposely or accidentally,misperceived shortcomings of FT's in class.As yet,none has had the stamina to outlast me,though a few have tried!And whenever they get sufficiently riled,they do something foolish to put themselves in jeopardy.Then I take my revenge!
As a whole, training centres and private schools in China are the pits.But that's not to say the odd one isn't worth working for!

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Re: MAES ( Mingshi American English School) -- Turino -- 2009-04-23
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