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DalianTeacher - 2009-04-25

Where to begin?

I was teaching at the same school as Hayden at the same time. I can attest that his comment was valid. The deal with New Century at that time was they would give you a base rate (5000yuan a month in addition to the apartment) if you taught over a certain amount of hours you would get additional money, however as Hayden and I were teaching under bar amount we were still getting paid the full 5000yuan. There is nothing unusual about these circumstances, I am aware of several schools with the same arrangement.

Interesting that the ones posting negative comments question the motives of the people posting positive ones about this school by accusing them as 'spammers' or being 'influenced by the CEO'. I'll enlighten you all on why there have been positive posts on here. Its not because its 'recruiting time' as you suggest, but instead because current teachers at the school have been made aware of these negative comments by New Century School. NCS did not order me to write something, nor did they pressure me to type this post, or what I said in my previous post. Teachers currently working at this school NOW and in the past are writing true accounts of their experiences.

I am not saying that there have been teachers in the past dissatisfied with this school. In fact I addressed that previously. I can only attest that when I worked here last time and while I have been working this time I have enjoyed my time at New Century and have not had a single issue. The staff are friendly and helpful.

and finally Chinese teachers? TA? Whatever. Not a big deal. During my lesson I am the one teaching not the Chinese person. They are there to help control the class and translate any instructions/games the students have trouble understanding. This is a non issue.

If you really want evidense that this post is genuine, I am an Australian teacher CURRENTLY WORKING AT NEW CENTURY and would be happy to talk to anyone who can be bothered coming to the school near Olympic Square on either a Sunday or Wednesday afternoon.

Messages In This Thread
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Hayden -- 2009-04-22
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- bob -- 2009-10-16
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- baggyboy -- 2009-05-07
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Theo -- 2009-04-23
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- DalianTeacher -- 2009-04-25
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Theo -- 2009-04-25
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Dexter -- 2009-04-25
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- DalianTeacher82 -- 2009-04-26
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Turino -- 2009-04-27
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Theo -- 2009-04-26
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Turino -- 2009-04-26
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Fumigator -- 2009-04-27
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Theo -- 2009-04-26
Re: New Century English School Dalian -- Turino -- 2009-04-23
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