View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Perlandas & Fenny in Shenzhen - Avoid!
Patrick O'Connor - 2009-05-07

Perlandas is an African-American, whose Chinese partner/mistress is Fenny. This duo tries to dupe foreigners in China low on funds into accepting relatively poorly paid teaching posts principally in the county areas of Shenzhen and Guangdong, involving the surrender of 50% of your initial monthly salary to Perlandas as commission for having gotten you a job.

But after witnessing their double act, I' m pleased to report it is so amateurish that it can only succeed with foreigners who are seriously strapped of cash, or the dumbest of suckers. Perlandas, the way you try to do business, makes you a disgrace to your country, but fortunately for your intended victims, Fenny does you no favors with her obvious lies in spite of her fairly good spoken English. It's clear she's not the brightest bulb in the department store. But what I find most despicable is how she tried to entice me to fly to Shenzhen with her false promises, which action would have been a total waste of a tidy sum, given what actually transpired at Perlandas' grubby little office. He must have hoodwinked the wrong people on at least one occasion in the past to end up so scarred facially. It's a good thing Fenny's around to care for him. I envy him for having pulled her. She's way too good for him. But as a duo they've still got a long way to go before they can match the infamous but likeable 'Bonnie & Clyde'!

Messages In This Thread
Perlandas & Fenny in Shenzhen - Avoid! -- Patrick O'Connor -- 2009-05-07
Re: Perlandas & Fenny in Shenzhen - Avoid! -- Michael Macallister -- 2009-05-08
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