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eflfree - 2009-05-10
In response to Re: EF Changchun (Second Voice)

"In spite of the blanket attacks on training centers, the good ones never have any difficulty attracting foreign teachers. That's an indisputable fact!"
Second voice

I've always found it quite interesting that when someone claims a fact to be indisputable there is often something important left unsaid. What you fail to mention is that neither do the bad ones have any difficulty attracting foreign teachers. In fact, they take great delight in attracting inexperienced teachers who can be easily manipulated and who naively travel all the way to China, work visas in hand, only to discover that they've been hoodwinked. Yes, they find that the wonderful accommodations they've been promised are not so great after all, pay is withheld, contracted hours are not exactly what was promised, they're subcontracted to teach in some far flung corner of the city or completely out of the city, classrooms are filthy and disorganized, their privacy is invaded - the list goes on. Sadly, many of those thus manipulated are young folks who have never been out of country before and are hopelessly disoriented by the callous behavior that they are suddenly subjected to.

Therefore, try to be a little more understanding of those who attack training centers in the manner you describe. They're only trying to warn new teachers that what you see is not always what you get and that they must be very, very, careful about choosing a place to work in China. That's an indisputable fact! So, why would you expect them to do otherwise?

If you know of "good" training centers, please tell us about them. Wouldn't you like to be helpful?

Messages In This Thread
EF Changchun -- Owen -- 2009-05-08
Re: EF Changchun -- Chris -- 2010-09-04
Re: EF Changchun -- englishgibson -- 2010-09-05
Re: EF Changchun -- EF Hater -- 2010-09-04
Re: EF Changchun -- Chris -- 2010-09-04
Re: EF Changchun -- EF Hater -- 2010-09-05
Re: EF Changchun -- Chris -- 2010-09-05
Re: EF Changchun -- EF Hater -- 2010-09-06
Re: EF Changchun -- Chris -- 2010-09-05
Re: EF Changchun -- englishgibson -- 2010-09-06
Re: EF Changchun -- doesitmatter -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Kevin Sharpe -- 2011-04-08
Re: EF Changchun -- Dragonized -- 2011-04-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Tom -- 2011-04-08
Re: EF Changchun -- Burnout -- 2011-04-08
Re: EF Changchun -- Kevin Sharpe -- 2011-04-08
Re: EF Changchun -- Burnout -- 2011-04-11
Re: EF Changchun -- Tom -- 2011-04-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Owen -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Turino -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Tom -- 2011-04-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Owen -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Turino -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Owen -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Second Voice -- 2009-05-08
Re: EF Changchun -- Owen -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Second Voice -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- eflfree -- 2009-05-10
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