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StephanieB - 2009-05-19

If you are considering this school, please email me for all of the gory details.

Under no circumstances should any fit, sober, decent, well-educated, sane or otherwise morally-anchored ESL teacher consider this institution.

The level of violence against both the students -- by foreign teacher and the local staff -- is truly horrible and is beyond anything acceptable in Western countries. It is even beyond anything acceptable in China today. In early autumn, 2008, I actually witnessed desks being thrown at children, books being thrown at children, children's pencils flung across the room in anger, pencils being broken and snapped at children and children who were picked up by the collars of their shirts and flung across the room. This is not "hearsay" but things I witnessed when I was "forced" to "observe" the "great master's" classes to learn how to teach. When I tried to say something to the management, I was screamed at incessantly and told to keep my mouth shut as this was the "great master" and it was "his department". Eventually, I broke under the abuse and left.

Additionally, the level of ABUSE AND INTIMIDATION by the excessively overweight, white male managers towards the foreign teachers, and particularly against female teachers, is beyond anything acceptable anywhere, at least in this century. I was screamed at in my classroom repeatedly by the "great master" at a decibel level loud enough to be heard anywhere in the hall outside; I was constantly monitored and forced to undergo their equivalent of "re-education" in order to make me a "good teacher" like the "great master".

The school has pictures of Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Engels, and all of the local great leaders all up-and-down the stairs of the Administration Building, and any school that has a picture of Stalin and Lenin, even in modern China, well, that sets the tone and the mentality of the place...A GULAG, A TRUE GULAG, UNBELIEVABLY A GULAG.

This school has had numerous, numerous bad reviews for YEARS AND YEARS all over the Internet -- on every message aboard available -- from Raoul's Message Board, to Dave's Cafe, to ESL School Watch, etc., etc., and all warn, warn, and warn, and warn of the dangers and abuse that await the unsuspecting foreign teacher.

Turnover is high, even by ESL-Chinese standards, and teachers melt away, disappear, pull runners, get new contracts, return to their home countries all during the course of the year.

One teacher from South America wanted to leave and was told that if he even thought of leaving, he would be arrested and put in jail!

Living conditions -- if they force you to live in the school -- are primitive at best -- a substandard 3 x 4 metre single room, with a mini-kitchen crammed in, and a door that a strung gust of wind can open. If you "elect" to live on the outside, as I did with my friend, the school will "fail" to tell you that it needs to deduct a "security deposit" from your pay for the apartment...and they deduct, and they deduct, and they deduct, and deduct, and deduct..and soon enough you realize that you are victim of yet another scam. When you leave the school, as nearly all do, you can kiss your months of security deposit good-bye. You will never see the money again -- so your pay will have been reduced the equivalent of anywhere from 20-30% a month, if not more for absolute naught to you.

They have all kinds of scams going here -- after I left, they hired a teacher to replace me and promised her my salary. Well, month-after-month, they paid her a very reduced salary, even though she had a contract with the correct amount on it, because she was a "junior" teacher and was "in training". When they finally paid her the full amount, it was the next-to-last month of her contract.

It's a revolving door-kind-of-a-GULAG. If you want the WORST experience of your life in China, then go to work in this school. I am more than glad to send you the email addresss of other teachers in the past 2 years who have had the same experience as I have had because the school always love to counter with "oh, it was only one teacher".

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