View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Frey: Get back to me about your stuff that Dream Education told me they want to give back to you
hoohum - 2009-05-22

didn't want to get into this. frey screwed up. we told him to cool his jets and another teacher told him to calm down when he went ballistic. he was out of control. I am not on anyones side I just want to do my job. the chinese teachers should have been sacked I do not know what happened to them when frey went ballistic the second time screaming at other teachers in the same office for telling a foreign teacher to tell him to stop using other teachers computer it sealed his fate. the teachers were scared of him especially when the foreign teacher could not calm him down. the felt it was a dangerous situation for the teachers and the school. I know frey just blew a gasket and it was all letting off steam but the chinese don't get this sort of thing and they were afraid that frey was going to do physical harm to someone. he had a few blow outs before this episode. I wish it didn't happen but it did and there is nothing we can do to take it back. escalating it is not going improve anything only get innocent people into trouble. it is all good and well to have these ideals but this is reality and this is also China even though I hate to use that phrase but it is. loosing face big time like that was a big mistake and not professional etc. I wish frey all the best in the world and I know what he wants to do and I hope he can fulfill his dream no pun intended. but bringing others into this thing is only going to make it harder on him. Dream considered pursuing the issue with the police and blackballing frey but I talked them out of it. He is not in jail and has not been deported so he really needs to be happy with that for one. dream should give his stuff back and they have told me that they are trying to do so but frey does not answer his phone. I offered to have his stuff given to me and I would give it to him. Frey did not get back to me on that yet. It would be best of them met at a neutral place. teachers at the school told me that the chinese teachers did get into trouble and frey was saved from being deported and charged etc. the fact is dream did save his butt in a big way. so it is in freys best interest to settle this without anymore involvement of others. This losing of the job etc was not dreams fault and to blame them for it is unfair to say the least. I am not on their side neither am I on freys side although I do consider frey to be a friend. I would hope that my friend would not get me or my family into a situation over this thing. Frey will know who I am and he will know that I am just presenting the truth to those on this forum. he had other concerns that we both know about that increased his stress and may have lead to this blow out but it does not excuse it. if you would like further detail turnio email me frey you know how to get in touch with me. I told you to tell the whole story now I have and I hope that everything will finally come to an end and we can put this whole thing behind us once and for all. have a nice day sorry for any typos and grammar punctuation I am tired

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